[CC] 9-11 Online project wants digital records of personal stories

George(s) Lessard cyberculture@zacha.org
Mon Aug 26 15:17:08 2002

[VIR - 21.08.2002] Online project wants digital records of personal 
stories.  (CNN.com Asia) That message and hundreds of other e-mails, 
photographs and video images are part of a virtual library of the attacks 
being compiled by scholars in Virginia and New York. The September 
11th Digital Archive "will serve as a new platform in which people can 
make their own history," said Jim Sparrow, one of the organizers of the 
project, which is accessible online. Continue 





"...Projects like the archive represent a new way to take snapshots of 
historical events and record how America reacts to them, said Lee 
Rainie, director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

Dozens of other sites have similar functions, though few store e-mails or 
text messages, as the digital archive does, Rainie said.

For instance, a separate site, The September 11 Web Archive, tracked 
and stored government, media and other Web pages related to the 
attacks as they were viewed on September 11 and in the months after.

"One of the learning experiences from Sept. 11 is that the Internet is a 
great way to catalogue and pull together these communications shortly 
after they occur," Rainie said. "Almost any major news event that occurs 
in the future, you will see similar sites develop."

George Mason is working with the American Social History Project at the 
City University of New York Graduate Center. The archive was funded 
by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

The group is also working with organizers of the Smithsonian 
Institution's exhibition of the attacks, which will open this Sept. 11 in 

"The hardest part is convincing ordinary people that they are part of 
history," Sparrow said.

Copyright 2002 The Associated Press..."

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