George(s) Lessard cyberculture@zacha.org
Fri Apr 12 00:41:00 2002

Fast Forward 3.0, a report from the Canadian E-Business Opportunities
Roundtable, has revealed that Canadians are leading the U.S. in wired
homes, with 60% of Canadians online compared to 52% of Americans.  In
other comparisons, funding from the Canadian venture capital community
dropped only 27%, while in the U.S. disbursements dropped 65%.  Despite
the large online population, only 17% of Canadians shop online, compared
to 27% in the United States.  Analysts point to several reasons for the
disparity, including population diversity, cultural differences, and
problems shopping online at U.S.-based companies. According to Shirley-Ann
George, government program executive with IBM Canada and a member of the
roundtable support team, "There are a lot of obstacles to purchasing over
the Internet in Canada that don't apply to Americans." [SOURCE: Wired,
AUTHOR: Charles Mandel]

  :-) Message ends, Signature begins (-:
  George Lessard, living @ 61.10N 94.05W
Comments should be sent to media@_no_spam_web.net
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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly
find out how far one can go." T.S. Eliot... 
"If you think you are too small to make a difference, 
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito..." African Proverb
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Dr. Sam Johnson, one of the greatest ever, whose watchword was
never to write anything unless it would sell, once said,
Always read over what you have written,
and when you come upon something that you think particularly fine,
be certain to strike it out.